Track Mobile Number Owner Name


Do you find tracking a mobile number owner’s name tedious? You probably don’t know these ten ways to track mobile number owner name

These days, with the increase in spam, fraud, telemarketing calls, and messages from unknown numbers, it has become difficult for everyone to manage their call log. You would agree. As a result, sometimes, we also tend to miss important calls from unknown numbers due to these calls. 

track mobile number owner name

But, do not worry as there are many tools that you can use to track a mobile number owner name. These tools provide you with the required information so that you do not miss the important calls that you receive. 

In this article, I will explain the best tools to track a mobile number owner name available in the market and how you can operate these services to get the details regarding a particular mobile phone number owner.

How To Track Mobile Number Owner Name? 

To discover a mobile phone number owner’s name, just enter phone number click on search button and wait for 5-7 seconds.  

  • First, open the CreamyTech Mobile Number Owner Details tracker on your mobile phone. 
  • Now, enter the mobile phone number on the search bar where you want to find the details. 
  • Then, type in the captcha verification code and click on the “Find Owner Details” button
  • After a few seconds, you will see all the essential details related to the phone number. 
  • The elements that will be available are the name of the person, email address, registration date, residential address, real-time location, and also IP Address.

That is the first of many ways to track a mobile number owner’s name

Is it Safe to Find the Mobile Number Owner’s Name?

Yes! It is entirely safe and lawfully permitted to track a mobile number owner’s name, provided your intentions behind the same are clean. 

As there are a few times when you might want to find the details of the unknown mobile phone number from which you have been receiving continuous phone calls. 

So, the only method to find out the person’s details is by tracking their information and obtaining details regarding their real-time location. 

As aforementioned, there are various tools to help you in getting all the ID information about the mobile phone number owner. All you need to do is to put in the mobile phone number that you need to track and click on the search button. 

The tools will immediately provide you with all the basic details of the mobile phone number owner.

The details that you will be able to view are the owner’s name, email address, residential address, and a few other personal details. All this will be performed anonymously. 

So, you need not be concerned regarding your further information being revealed to the mobile phone number owner. They will also not know that their phone number and details are being tracked. 

However, make sure not to use the information obtained for any unlawful purposes as it is deemed to be an offense. Also, there is a very high probability that you might end up being penalized for misusing their personal information.

10 Sites To Track Mobile Number Owner Name

There are many online mobile numbers tracing tools that help you to track a mobile number owner’s name. I have mentioned some of the best mobile phone number tracking means that you can utilize to find the details of the owner. 

1. WhitePages


WhitePages is the most established phone numbers trackers and people finder tool available worldwide. It is the most trusted tool you will discover when looking for a mobile phone number finder service. 

This tool can be utilized to perform a reverse lookup for both landline numbers and mobile phone numbers.

All you need to do is to enter the mobile phone number on the search bar and hit on the Enter button. If the tool does not contain an entry, it will provide you with a few basic information regarding the mobile phone number, like its real-time location and if the phone number is spam or scam risk.

However, WhitePages works on a package subscription system, and only its premium subscribers will be able to access extra details, such as the complete address, location history, and much more information on the mobile phone numbers 


EmobileTracker is the best bet when looking for a tool to help you identify the details of the mobile phone number’s owner. This tool is specially developed to trace mobile phone numbers.

It will provide the owner’s name, real-time location, residential address, and network provider. However, there are a few times that it might not provide you with the required information if it does not have the entry for the mobile phone number.  

3. NumLookup

The next tool to track a mobile number owner’s name is NumLookup. It works in partnership with most of the telecom provider companies from all over the world. 

Every time a person looks up a mobile phone number, the tool will make an API call to the target’s mobile phone number to recognize the owner’s details.

However, this tool does not work in all locations and is confined only to a few countries. The NumLookup also shows an empty list of all the recent mobile phone numbers searched. 

4. SpyDialer


The SpyDialer is the only mobile phone number owner name tracker that manages to get all the details regarding the owner of that mobile phone number. The service also contains the information unavailable on the other mobile phone number owner name trackers.

This tool calls the mobile phone number on a real-time basis to make sure that the phone number is active. It also records the calls of the entry mobile phone number made by its users. 

5. NumberVille

NumberVille operates with mobile phone numbers from all over the world. It seems to provide more details of the owner for free, such as their current residential addresses.

This tool also contains better and more up-to-date details when compared to its competitors in the market. It will log and show your IP address publicly, so it will be better to use a VPN if you like to remain anonymous.

6. WhoCallsMe

This WhoCallsMe is the best tool to use if you receive calls from scam calls, fraud calls, or telemarketing calls. The tool will provide you with all the details collected regarding the mobile phone number, including its real-time location and the owner’s name. 

All you need to do is to enter the mobile phone number on the search box and press the search button. After that, you can move to the tool’s database page by giving your messages regarding the mobile phone number.

7. Searchbug

Last but not least, this Searchbug tool will immediately look up the real-time location of the mobile phone number regardless of the country.  Just enter the mobile phone number, and press the search button. 

Within a few seconds, Searchbug will provide you with all the data regarding this mobile phone number.

Even if there are no public records in regards to this mobile phone number, you will get to know whether the mobile phone number is a landline number or a toll-free number, or a spam number. 

However, when trying to look for additional details, such as the full name, email address, and residential address of the owner, then the Search Bug tool might charge you a bit.

8. Truecaller 

Truecaller - Best App To Track Mobile Number Owner Name

Truecaller is one of the top caller information and location tracker apps that is the best to trace unknown mobile phone numbers. This app reaches all the contact from the contact list available on the mobile phone and furnishes the details to its users. 

The rule of this application is that you should have saved the mobile phone number on your contact list using any name. Then, the app will discover the details of the owner of the mobile phone number. 

Additionally, the app also enables you to block all the undesirable calls that you get on your phone. It also shows whether the number is a spam call or a fraud call, or a telemarketing call.  

9. Shaplus

Shaplus is the topmost mobile number owner name tracker application that also discovers the real-time location of calls made on your mobile phone. The app supplies you with the complete details regarding the mobile phone number.

It shows the mobile phone number with the real-time location and whether it is a landline number or not. This also displays the state and the city of the mobile phone number.

It also makes an exhaustive call log checklist so that you can see all the details very smoothly. If it is for another country, then the country’s name will also be shown by the app.

 10. Four Square 

Four Square is another popular option to locate any mobile phone number from all over the world. The app comes with some of the most notable features that are very helpful in tracking the owner of a mobile phone number. 

Another feature is that you can also check the recent location log of your contact list. You can also remove the history and control it according to your convenience.

The app is entirely safe and does not possess any malware or virus. It also protects its user’s data and does not release them on the internet like the other mobile number owner tracking apps.


As seen above, it is not very easy to discover the information regarding the mobile phone number’s owner. But hopefully, now you know how to track all the information related to mobile phone numbers. 

However, ensure not to use the information obtained for unlawful purposes, as it might get you in trouble.  

I hope this article will come in handy when tracking the mobile number owner’s name and the other details related to the mobile phone number. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is It Possible To Track A Mobile Number Owner Name?

Ans: Yes,  it is possible to track a mobile phone number owner’s name. 

2. How Can I Track Mobile Number’s Owner Name?

Ans: To track the mobile phone number’s owner name, you can use any of the above-mentioned mobile number owner name trackers. 

3. Is it Safe to Find the Mobile Number Owner’s Name?

Ans: Yes! It is entirely safe and lawfully permitted to discover the information of the owner of a mobile number. However, make sure not to use the information for any unlawful purposes as it is deemed to be an offense. 

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